What happens if you or your loved one is arrested in Miami? What is the procedure for obtaining bail? What is the procedure for acquiring a bail bond? After you’ve posted bail, what happens next?
The answers to these frequently asked questions are spelled forth in the Miami bail statute. Although Miami bail’s legal criteria are commonly accessible, the legal language might be difficult to understand. We’ve broken down the bail procedure into a more understandable form for your convenience.
Take a look at this guide to understand the process of making bail in Miami:
Bail Bonds Aren’t Accessible Everywhere
As convenient and helpful bail bonds are, they’re not easily accessible in every state. The varying state and federal laws manage the regulation of bail bonds, so an agency must have an in-depth understanding of local laws.
While contacting a bail bond agency may be the first thought you may have in case of an arrest of an acquaintance, you’ll need first to check whether your state supports the bail system.
How Bail Bondsmen Help
In the case that you don’t have the funds to pay for your release immediately or you can’t apply for a loan, there’s another option that can allow you to get out of jail. Reach out to a respected local bail bondsman or a bail bond agency, and they’ll post the bail on your behalf.
Additionally, a bail bondsman writes bonds. This is to say that not only does a bondsman pay on your behalf, but they also provide the court with an assurance of your dutiful presence in court subsequently.
Paying the Bail Bond Company
According to a popular notion propagated by movies, a deposit of bond service costs must be made in actual cash. The service, like the era, has progressed. Therefore, you can compensate them in currency if you wish, although you have several alternatives. Most bond companies provide a variety of possibilities, so it’s a good idea to contact them to learn more about your options.
Debit cards, cheques, lines of credit, and in rare situations, transfer orders are all accepted. Some companies also offer payment plans but ensure you understand the rules and circumstances beforehand.
What Happens To The Amount After The Trial?
If you fail to appear for the hearing, your bail will be revoked. Once the trial is over, you will get back your money. However, you will have to wait for a couple of months.
If you are found guilty, a part of the bail amount will be deducted. This amount is referred to as a court fee. It is a little different in the case of a bail bondsman. You will have to pay them ten percent of the bail amount. You will not get this amount back after the trial is over.
Get In Touch With One Of The Most Trustworthy Bail Bond Service Provider In White County, Miami
If you or your loved ones got charged with a crime, DeLaughter Bail Bonds is your friend. We have helped thousands of people since 2010 and continue to do so throughout America with our expertise and experience and affordable 24/7 bail bonds in Miami and many other locations.
Contact us today; we’re open 24/7 to serve people whenever they need help.