Incarceration rates vary in Indiana from county to county. Some counties such as Dearborn County however have incarceration rates that are considerably high according to sources. Continue reading
Posts made in June 2019
Upholding Freedom: The role of Bail Bonds Agents
According to sources, Indiana’s recent prison overhauls have among other things contributed to overcrowding in prisons. Despite this and a reduction in the number of those incarcerated in the system, the state still ranks as the 24th highest by way of incarceration according to statistics. Continue reading
The Legal Responsibilities of All Citizens in the US on Trial
Anyone who’s out on bail needs to be cognizant of their responsibility or bear the liability of paying heavy fines and severe penalties for violating their legal responsibilities. Continue reading
The Ways in Which a Bail Bondsman Can Help You
For starters we genuinely do hope that people reading this are doing so more out of personal interest and less due to legal necessity. If some unfortunate instance has occurred and left you with legal charges, getting bail is probably something you need to consider. Continue reading
Bounty Hunting In Indiana
Bounty hunting in Indiana is strictly regulated owing to the need for control of force against defendants and the general risk to the well-being of anyone who chooses to become one. It’s a very long and comprehensive procedure that for people to qualify as bounty hunters however it is practiced extensively across Indiana. Continue reading
Bail Bondsmen Turned Bounty Hunters?
This is what we like to call the dark side of working as a bail bond agent. When we, or any other bail bond agency for that matter, arrange for bail for our clients, we take on a major responsibility. Continue reading
Making the Most of Your Bail: Working With your Lawyers
Depending on which US state you reside in, sources show that incarceration rates as well as legal policies relating to parole, bail and other particulars do vary. Continue reading
Understanding Bail Bond Laws: How Does Bail Work?
Bail bondsmen belong to an industry operating under legal supervision and in close relation on legal institutions in Indiana. Data suggests that the state of Indiana has an incarceration rate of 375 and a current prison population of over twenty six thousand individuals. Continue reading
Innocent Until Proven Guilty: Why Should You Always Get Bail
The incarceration and imprisonment rate in Indiana when compared to other states falls a little below average according to statistics; however, it does rank as the 24th highest in the country. If you or a loved one is faced with prison time, bail is something that should always be considered. Continue reading
Reasons Why You Ought To Work with A Certified Bail Bond Agent
Being behind bars can be a socially and emotionally ostracizing event for individuals. The situation is worse if you don’t have the means to bail yourself out. That’s when people turn to bail bonds agencies to handle their release. Continue reading