Posts made in October 2021

Man handcuffed behind his back.

Is It Okay for The Wealthy to Be Able To ‘Buy Justice’?

There’s absolutely no doubt that our world is a largely inequitable place. Whether you talk about gender, race, wealth, or any other social construct, you’ll find that the scales always tip in favor of the powerful. Amongst all these injustices, the unequal distribution of money exists: the rich keep getting richer, the poor keep getting poorer.

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Handcuffs on an offender

Why Do the Rich Get Away with Their Crimes?

The disparity in how the legal system treats the rich versus the poor defendants is a topic of increasing concern. Despite committing serious offenses, wealthy individuals often evade harsh penalties. This blog delves into the reasons behind this disparity, with a focus on the role of bail bond services, particularly in places like Howard County.

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