Getting a loved one out of jail is expensive. Bail is usually set at a high price and most people don’t have that kind of money lying around. To free a loved one from jail, they often have to turn to a bail bond service to cover the costs.
Posts made in February 2021
Why You Shouldn’t Waste Time When Applying for Bonds
Being in jail or seeing someone close to you in jail is not the most ideal of situations. For some people getting out is as simple as paying the bail amount in cash and getting back to regular life until trial.
When Medical Malpractices Become a Criminal Offense
Here are the instances when medical malpractices become a crime.
Psychological Effects of Jail- Infographic
The environment of a prison can lead to feelings of delusion, isolation, paranoia and PTSD.
Is the Bail System Tipped in Favor of The Rich?
Bail works around the idea that you’re innocent until proven guilty. However, the bail system often fails to recognize that the poor can be innocent too. Continue reading
Reasons You Can’t Get a Bond
Ending up in jail is never anyone’s intention, but it happens. The good news is that a bail bond agreement can get you out of jail. However, there are circumstances due to which you aren’t allowed bail bonds. Continue reading