
What Is Home Monitoring—Preparing For Home Monitoring When On Bail

Defendants on bail have to comply with bail regulations if they are to retain their bail privileges. The presiding judge decides the terms of release; violating these terms leads to instant revocation of bail privileges. Common examples of bail conditions include:

  • You can’t travel across state or country borders
  • Your assets may be seized by the authorities
  • You can’t break any laws
  • You have to attend all your court hearings

It’s not necessary that only these conditions apply to your case—it’s up to your judge to decide which conditions to impose. 

The content of the allegations, the flight risk you pose, and your financial conditions and/or health all determine the bail conditions.


Conditions When Home Monitoring Applies

Sometimes, a judge will decide that it’s not necessary for you to await trial or judgment in jail, and will hence recommend a home monitoring program. During the program, the police will continuously monitor your activities at home, to ensure that you don’t break any more laws until your trial is concluded. 

You should be mindful of the fact that you will have to pay some of the cost arising from home monitoring. People often go into debt because they can’t keep up with payments, and many are arrested because they can’t afford the upkeep for the devices used. 

The legalities vary by state, but generally, judges approve a home monitoring program in three situations:

  • Pretrial release—People who’ve made bail on their own recognizance or without bail qualify for supervised pretrial release. 
  • House Arrests— People found guilty of non-violent crimes don’t pose a threat to society-at-large, so it is likely that they can serve their sentence at home, under supervision.
  • Confinement on Parole—Paroled inmates might have to serve time under house arrest.

Home Detention/Monitoring Programs in Indiana

The Department of Justice in Indiana offers defendants the following options for house arrest:

·        Home Detention with Close Supervision—You have to stay at home at all times, except for scheduled absences. You can go to work, visit your doctor or attorney, and conduct your day-to-day activities.

Home detention with close supervision is the most stringent house arrest condition—the least being a curfew, and the most stringent being home incarceration.

·        Electronic Monitoring—Passive ways of keeping track of the defendant’s location are employed, including their communications and activities.

Home monitoring can make your life quite difficult, with all the restrictions they place on your activities. You’re under strict supervision at all times before and during your trial—even the slightest misstep could land you back in jail. 

Get in touch with your bail bond agent in this scenario; they’ll be able to tell you how to manage your life while on house arrest.

DeLaughter Bail Bonds in Indiana is a 24-hour bail bonds service that offers surety and transfer bonds whenever needed. We offer our bail bond services in Kosciusko CountyJasper CountyElkhart County and other areas throughout Indiana. Speak with us now if you need bail for your loved ones in Indiana.

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