
24-hour bail bond services Whitley County.

What Will Happen to Your Money if You Go to Jail or Prison?

Going to jail or prison can come with a major financial impact. This effect can be substantial, depending upon the nature of your assets and sentence duration.

In this blog post, we will go over some of the important things to think about and offer advice on how to safeguard your finances if you find yourself in this predicament.

What Will Happen to Your Money if You Go to Jail or Prison?

1) Immediate Concerns

One of the most pressing issues while facing arrest and imprisonment is the cost of posting bail. Fortunately, 24-hour bail bond services in Whitley County can assist you in securing your release by posting bail on your behalf against a fee. This may be more affordable than paying the entire bond amount up front, which can be a significant financial burden.

However, if you are found guilty and given a prison sentence, you may need to focus on how to pay your payments and debts during your incarceration. This may involve setting up automatic payments, delegating bill payments to a trusted family member or acquaintance, or arranging a power of attorney to manage your finances.

2) Impact on Assets and Income

Going to detention or prison can have a substantial effect on a person’s income and assets. You may likely lose any job you have, which can have spillover effects on your financial security. As part of your sentence, you may be required to pay legal fees, fines, or restitution, which can be an added financial burden.

In addition, if you own property or have other assets, such as investments or a retirement account, you may need to take precautions to safeguard them during your incarceration. You could do that by selling off the assets, transferring ownership to a trust, or handing over the power of attorney to a trusted friend or family member.

3) Long-Term Planning

If you have been given or are anticipating a lengthy sentence, it is important to start planning for the long-term future. This could involve getting counsel from a financial advisor or lawyer to develop a budget, pay off debts, and make retirement plans.

Consider taking advantage of educational opportunities or job training programs while incarcerated to ensure a smoother reentry into the workforce once you are released.

Final Word

Even though incarceration can significantly affect your finances, there are steps you can take to mitigate this impact. Seeking the guidance of a financial advisor or an attorney can help you make sound financial decisions while detained. You may ensure your financial security and plan for a prosperous future by taking proactive steps.

That said, when faced with the possibility of incarceration, the initial priority is usually to post bail and get out as soon as possible. This is where a 24-hour bail bond service in Whitley County, like DeLaughter Bail Bonds, can help. With our reliable and knowledgeable assistance, we can guide you through the bail process while allowing you to focus on your legal defense and minimizing the financial impact of this situation.

Please contact us without delay, and allow us to help you in your hour of need.

Things an Individual May Struggle with After Getting Released from Jail Image Description: An open prison cell

Things an Individual May Struggle With After Getting Released from Jail

For many incarcerated individuals, getting released from prison is the start of a new life. It is a joyful occasion that marks the end of a highly painful and stressful experience for both the prisoner and their family and loved ones.

However, any extended amount of time in prison can take its toll and an individual stepping out of jail is fundamentally changed and getting introduced into a completely alien environment.

There are many issues an individual might face when stepping out into society after some time in prison. This article discusses a few of the things an individual may struggle with after getting released from jail and how to cope and adapt.

Primary Struggles of an Individual After Getting Released from Jail

It is completely normal and expected for previously detained people to have trouble with certain aspects of life after getting reintroduced into society. Here are the primary aspects that most previously incarcerated people struggle with after getting released from jail:

1. Reintegration into Society

One of the biggest challenges that individuals may face after getting released from jail is reintegrating into society. They may feel like they don’t belong or have lost their sense of identity, as they may have been in jail for an extended period of time.

The stigma associated with being incarcerated can also make it difficult to find employment or housing, which can lead to feelings of isolation and hopelessness. It is important for such individuals to have a strong social support system in place to ease them in building a new life for themselves.

2. Mental and Emotional Health Issues

Being incarcerated can have a profound impact on a person’s mental and emotional health. They may experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or other mental health conditions. This can be exacerbated by the stress and trauma of being incarcerated and the challenges of reintegration into society.

3. Financial Issues

Getting released from jail can be financially challenging, as individuals may have lost their job or been unable to work while incarcerated. They may also face fines and legal fees, as well as the cost of reintegration into society. This can be especially challenging for those who come from low-income or marginalized communities. There are special programs geared towards finding employment opportunities for previously incarcerated people that can be a big help in alleviating the financial issues of such people.

Final Thoughts

These are only some of the struggles previously incarcerated people face when the truth is that they have to start their lives from scratch, which is a mammoth task. To avoid any undue spent time in custody, it is best to contact professional bail bonds services, such as DeLaughter Bail Bonds in Indiana, which has 24-hour bail bonds services in Adams County. Contact them now to get a loved one out on bail as soon as possible.

What to Bring when You Bail a Loved One out of Jail

What to Bring When You Bail a Loved One Out of Jail

There may come a time in your life when you will need to bail a loved one out of jail. It is a situation that no one is fully prepared for; however, it is probable and can happen to most of us. Due to the stress of seeing a loved one behind bars, the situation can send many into panic and they may rush into the police station without any preparation or gathering important supplies.

One of the things that can help make the process smoother is knowing what to bring when you bail a loved one out of jail. In this article, we’ll go over the essential items you’ll need to bring and why they’re important.

Things to Bring When You Bail a Loved One out of Jail

Due to the nature of the situation, it is hard to be composed before rushing to your loved one’s aid. However, it is important to bring some supplies with you to ensure the bail process is quicker and comfortable for all parties involved. Here are the most essential things you should bring when bailing a loved one out of jail:

1. Identification and Paperwork

The first thing you’ll need to bring when you bail a loved one out of jail is identification and any necessary paperwork. You’ll need to have a valid government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, to prove your identity. You may also need to bring documentation that shows your relationship to the person you’re bailing out, such as a marriage certificate or birth certificate.

2. Cash or Check

Next, you’ll need to bring the funds to post bail. This can be in the form of cash or a cashier’s check. It’s important to note that many jails won’t accept personal checks or credit cards, so be sure to check with the specific jail to see what forms of payment they accept. If you opt for a professional bail bonds service like DeLaughter Bail Bonds, then you should also bring cash to pay their fee which is a fraction of the bail money.

3. A Bail Bondsmen

The best way to go about the bailing process is to contact a professional bail bonds service. This way, when you arrive with a bail bondsman, they can use their expertise to bail your loved one out in a matter of hours and you do not have to worry about dealing with legal complexities.

4. Comfortable Clothing

When your loved one is released from jail, they’ll likely be wearing the same clothes they were arrested in. It’s a good idea to bring them a change of comfortable clothing to wear home. This can include things like a t-shirt, sweatpants, and comfortable shoes.

Final Thoughts

Having to bail a loved one out of jail is an experience that is not pleasant for anyone. Apart from the ensuing panic, one can easily get confused due to all the complicated legalities involved. This is why the best course of action is to contact a professional bail bonds service to help you throughout the process. Delaughter Bail Bonds in Indiana provides the most affordable bail bonds in Tippecanoe County. Contact them now to help bail a loved one out of jail.

A man driving a car

Bail Bonds and DUI Defenses: What You Should Know

Driving under the Influence (DUI) is a serious crime across the United States. A DUI conviction in Indiana can be severe. From heavy fines and license suspension to jail time, the defendant can find themselves in serious trouble if they don’t have a competitive defense attorney who can work towards a lenient result.

There are strict laws against DUI, which make it very difficult for the defendant to even secure bail during their trial. Even if the defendant is given a bail release from court, its amount is so high that it becomes challenging to pay it in full.


However, a bail bond service that has decades of experience and understands the ins and outs of DUI laws can still secure bail for a DUI defendant. If you’re looking for bail bonds for DUI, here is what you need to know about the process:

Bail Amount

After a person is arrested for the Driving Under the Influence charge, they are presented in court for an initial hearing, typically within 48 hours. During this time, the judge decides the conditions and the amount for the bail. This amount varies based on several factors, like the defendant’s criminal history, the severity of the charges, etc.

Other than the bail amount, DUI defendants may also face additional restrictions, like the requirement to refrain from consuming alcohol or drugs or attend substance abuse treatment.

Bail Bonds for DUI Charges

If the defendant doesn’t pay the bail amount, they are kept in jail for the duration of the trial. In this case, the defendant can hire a bail bond service for bail bonds for DUI. This service pays the bail amount for a fee. In Indiana, bail bond services normally charge 10% of the bail amount as a non-refundable fee and require collateral.

Close-up of a man's hands cuffed

Responsibilities of a DUI Defendant Post-Bail

When a good bail bond service in Indiana secures bail for a DUI defendant, the stakes are very high for them both. If the defendant fails to show up in court for any hearings, the bail bond company is likely to take legal action and cover its costs through the collateral in addition to revoking the bond.

Therefore, the defendant must stay supremely responsible throughout their trial to not jeopardize their chances of getting away with a lenient punishment.

Contact Us at Delaughter Bail Bonds for a DUI Bail

The bail bond process for a DUI charge is a sensitive matter. Therefore, it’s important that you hire a company that has an extensive experience with bail bonds for DUI cases. If you’re looking for such a service in Indiana, get in touch with us today for top-quality and affordable bail bond services!

A prisoner resting his arms on prison bars

Bail Bonds for Out-of-State Loved Ones

Bail bond services are a source of relief for many individuals or families with any loved one facing any criminal charge. This service makes it easier for you to pay the bail amount even if it’s not affordable for you right away. Bail bonds are posted in the county jail or court where the defendant is kept.


If you find yourself in a situation where a loved one is held in an out-of-state jail, you might be worried about how the procedure could work, but we have some good news for you!


To apply for out-of-state bail bonds for loved ones, you don’t necessarily need to travel there. Bail bond services in Indiana can help secure bail for your loved one through a service called Transfer Bond Service. Let’s learn more about how it works below!

How Do Transfer Bond Services Work for Out-of-State Bail Bonds?

You can use a reliable transfer bond service in Indiana for out-of-state bail bonds. Let’s list down the steps you need to take to help bail out a loved one held in an out-of-state jail:

1. Find a Bail Bond Service that Offers Transfer Bonds

The first thing you need to do for out-of-state bail bonds is to find a reputable transfer bond service nearby. Make sure you do your research and hire a service that has experience with bail bonds for out-of-state clients.

2. Share All Details

Once you have confirmed that your choice of bail bond service offers out-of-state transfers, you will be asked to share further information about your loved one’s case. The information that they usually ask for includes:

  • Defendant’s name
  • Location of the jail
  • Charges they are facing
  • The amount required for bail

After receiving this information, the transfer bond service will get in touch with a local partner or any other credible bail bond company in the state of your loved one’s case. That company will then proceed with the bail bond posting on your behalf.

A man in prisoner uniform praying on a bed

3. Pay the Fee

You will be asked to pay the bail bond fee, which is generally a percentage of the total bail amount. In transfer bond cases, you might also have to give collateral or pay for the travel expenses of the bondsman if necessary.

After the bail bond is posted, you should prepare to welcome your loved one back. However, your responsibility also increases from this point onward as they’ll be required to appear in all court hearings of their case. In case they don’t, you will be held accountable by the local bail bond service and might have to reimburse them for their bail bond cost.

Get in Touch with a Bail Bond Service in Indiana

It is essential that you find a credible bail bond service that offers transfer bonds to ensure that you can get your loved one out of jail immediately. Get in touch with the 24/7 available and affordable DeLaughter Bail Bond services for out-of-state bail bonds!


Man in prison uniform and handcuffs held by a man in police uniform

Everything to Know About the Bail Bond Application Process

The prospect of doing time in jail after being charged with a crime is stressful in itself, which can be further exacerbated if you can’t afford bail money. However, bail bond services in Indiana can be a huge help if you understand how they work.

The bail bond procedure can be challenging if you don’t have the right bail bond service representing you. If you find yourself in this situation for the first time, you may have trouble figuring out how bail bond applications in Indiana work.

So, let us make it a bit easier for you by walking you through all the major steps involved in the application process below!

How Do Bail Bond Applications Work?

The bail bond application process is straightforward if you know how it works. Let’s walk you through the important steps involved:

1. Look For a Bail Bond Service in Your County

You first need to find a credible bail bond service in your county for your bail posting. Many out-of-county or out-of-state services also offer these services via fax or email, but it’s best to get a service based in Indiana county where you have been charged.

2. Share Necessary Information

Once you have decided to move forward with a bail bond service, they will require information about the charges and the defendant to proceed with your bail bond posting.

This information is basic and includes the defendant’s full name,  arrest charges, name of County Jail, criminal history, employment record, etc. The bondsman collects this information from the applicant as well as the county jail if required.

A lawyer holding a white cup and reading a file

3. Sign the Application Documents

The bail bond service will require you to sign a few documents after it has been mutually decided to proceed. They will prepare an agreement with all the terms and conditions of the bond. Make sure to read it carefully and then sign it. You will also have to sign the bail bond application form they prepare for you, along with the bail bond indemnity form and the receipt for the purchase.

4. Bail Bond Posting

After you pay the set service fee, the bondsman will initiate the process of securing your release. They will “post” the bond at the jail, and you will be released shortly after. Easy, right? Working with a reliable bail bond service will make the whole process seamless and stress-free.

Get help with Bail Bond Applications in Indiana

If you find yourself in jail in Indiana and are unsure about the application process, you need a reliable bail bond service. Contact us at DeLaughter Bail Bonds today to get started!

Arrest as a result of bail forfeiture

Bail Bond Forfeiture: Everything You Should Know

Bail bond forfeiture is scary but a very real possibility if the requirements of the bail aren’t fulfilled by the defendant, such as failure to appear in court whenever required. When this happens, the court can order bail bond forfeiture, which means that the bail money is lost and the defendant is considered a fugitive.

If the bail is paid through a bail bond company and the defendant cannot be found, the bondsman who posted their bail may be held liable for the full bail amount. The bondsman will then typically attempt to locate the defendant and ensure their attendance in court hearings. This is because posting the defendant’s bail bond makes them responsible for the defendant’s obligations throughout the trial.

Consequences of Bail Bond Forfeiture


In Indiana, the consequences of bail bond forfeiture can be severe. First, the defendant is labeled a fugitive, and then the court may impose further punishments and restrictions.


A hammer being hit on a wooden gravel

Let’s learn about the potential consequences of bail bond forfeiture in Indiana below:

Loss of Bail Money

When the court announces bail bond forfeiture, whoever posted the bond for the defendant’s release on their behalf will lose all of the money. This can be a significant loss for the bail bond company because bail amounts are fairly high, and they may never be able to recover it.

Additional Charges

Failing to appear in court can also result in additional criminal charges, such as contempt of court or failure to appear. These charges can result in jail time or heavy fines, which can have a negative impact on the defendant’s history and future employment opportunities.

Issuance of a Bench Warrant

When a defendant doesn’t appear in court, the judge may issue a bench warrant for their arrest. This means that the police will actively search for the defendant and can arrest them on sight.

Arrest and Incarceration

If the defendant is arrested after bail bond forfeiture, they will be held in custody until their trial is over. This can result in a significant disruption to the defendant’s life and may lead to loss of employment or other important life opportunities.

Contact a Bail Bond Company in Indiana

If you want to acquire a bail bond in Indiana, make sure you sign up with a bail bond company that you can trust. Contact us at DeLaughter Bail Bonds. We are a bail bond service in Wabash and surrounding areas, committed to keeping you safe till your case is cleared. Contact us today!

two men in prison uniform and a policeman

How to Evaluate the Pros and Cons of Choosing a Bail Bond Company

It is never easy when you or someone you care about is charged with a crime. The stress and helplessness of finding yourself in such a situation take a toll on your mental health. On top of that, the huge bail amount you must pay to avoid going to jail during the trial can increase the stress even further.

That is where bail bond companies in Indiana can step in and help you out.

If you can’t pay the amount needed for bail, you can seek bail bond services and pay them a fee to cover the expenses. This allows you to continue with your usual activities during the period leading up to your trial and evade jail detainment.

Making the right choice for a bail bond company in Indiana is essential. Here is how you can evaluate the pros and cons of choosing a bail bond company.

Pros of Choosing a Bail Bond Company

When you don’t have the money to pay for your bail but you need to get out immediately, opting for a bail bond company is your best option. Here is why:

1. Immediate Release from Jail

If a quick release from jail is your priority, then hiring a bail bond company in Indiana can make that happen for you. They do this by paying the full amount set by the court for your release from jail. So, even if you don’t have all the amount, you can still secure bail.

2. Fee & Flexible Payment Options

Bail bond companies charge a fraction of the bail amount as their fee. Normally, the fees of bail bond companies are no more than 10% of the total amount set by the court for your bail. So, make sure that the company you choose offers an affordable service.

Moreover, it’s important to evaluate the payment options offered by the company, so it saves you financial stress. Most good companies offer options for credit cards, checks, and financing, which is hugely beneficial for someone in this situation.

A woman in prison uniform sitting on a bed looking stressed

Cons of Choosing a Bail Bond Company

Now that you understand the benefits offered by a bail bond service let’s also take a look at some of the potential cons:

1. Non-Refundable Fee

A potential con of choosing a bail bond company could be that their fee is non-refundable. So, even if charges against you are reduced or dropped, you don’t receive a refund from the company if you have signed the agreement.

2. Requirement of Collateral

Bail bond companies may require collateral in the agreement. This collateral is for safety purposes in case the defendant fails to appear in court when required. So, if you don’t wish to provide collateral, hiring a bail bond company may not be the best option.

Hire a Reliable Bail Bond Company in Indiana

If you’re looking to hire a credible bail bond company in Huntington County or nearby areas in Indiana, contact us at the Delaughter Bail Bond service and receive help securing bail.

Get started today!

Navigating bail from prison

How to Navigate the Indiana Legal Bail System

The Indiana bail system is a complex and intricate process. When an individual is arrested and charged with a crime in the state, they are allowed a temporary release from custody while they await trial through bail. The bail is the guarantee that the defendant will not miss any of their court hearings throughout the trial.

In Indiana, the amount of bail is set by the judge, who considers several factors, including the nature and severity of the crime, the defendant’s criminal record, their ties to the community, and their likelihood to flee. Bail is obtained either via cash, property, or a bail bond posting.

What happens when a defendant can’t pay bail?

If the defendant can’t post bail themselves, they can hire a bail bond service in Indiana to do it for them. Without bail posting, the defendant will remain imprisoned throughout their trial. If the defendant appears for all their hearings and complies with the conditions of their release, the bail amount is returned at the end of the trial, regardless of the outcome.

Aa lawyer talking to a person in handcuffs


Let’s learn about the different bail options in the Indiana bail sytem below!

Cash Bail

The most common option of bail used in the Indiana bail system is cash bail. For this type of bail, the defendant has to pay the whole bail amount set by the court in cash. This cash bail is refundable at the end of the trial if the defendant appears for all court hearings and complies with the conditions of their release.

Property Bond

A property bond works when a defendant or someone on their behalf offers property as collateral for the bail amount. If the defendant misses a court hearing as per the requirement of the bail, the court can claim the property.

Surety Bond

For a surety bond, the defendant’s chosen bail bond service posts the bail amount on their behalf. The defendant pays a non-refundable fee to the bail bondsman, typically 10% of the bail amount, and the bail bondsman assumes the responsibility of ensuring that the defendant is present in all court hearings throughout the trial. If the defendant fails to appear, the bail bondsman may hire a bounty hunter to locate and return the defendant to custody.

Release on Own Recognizance (OR)

This type of bail allows a defendant to be released from custody without having to pay bail, but they are required to sign a written agreement to appear in court and comply with certain conditions. OR release is typically granted to individuals with no prior criminal history or those accused of minor offenses.

Hire an Experienced Bail Bond Company in Indiana

The Indiana bail system isn’t one that is easy to navigate. Therefore, if you find yourself facing a criminal charge there, you’ll need the help of an experienced bail bond company.


Contact us at Delaughter Bail Bonds today for a quick and easy bail.