
The Process of Obtaining a Transfer Bond

The American judicial system is a massively complex web of complicated laws and their ensuing processes. It can be quite confusing and overwhelming for people who try to navigate the system on their own. With that being said, the first step is knowing what to do. The relevance of this rises when it comes to arrests and knowing how to secure your release.

This is singularly applicable for those who find themselves under arrest out of their home state.

It becomes difficult for the detained person to obtain a bond as they’re cut off from their resources. They also have to find their way around unfamiliar out-of-state jurisdictions and laws. The good news is that reputable bail bond companies offer a great solution to this problem: a transfer bond.

What’s a Transfer Bond?

A transfer bond is a bail bond that’s posted from the detainee’s home state. It’s more or less equal to a surety bond or cash. A transfer bond enables your friend or family to sign legal paperwork on your behalf and acquire bail to secure your release from jail.

The out-of-state bail bond agent will directly work with the bail bond the detainee has chosen in their home state. The process involved in transfer bonds is slightly detailed and lengthier, requiring more man-hours compared to a standard in-state bail bond. Thereby, while transfer bonds provide excellent convenience for a complicated situation, they’re usually more expensive compared to a regular in-state bond.  This extra fee is commonly known as a “Transfer Bond Execution Fee”, and its amount is determined by federal and state regulations.

Obtaining a Transfer Bond

The process of acquiring a transfer bond depends upon the state of arrest, as well as the state the bond is being requested from. The good news is that most of the work will consist of the bond agents communicating and coordinating with each other. They will underwrite the bond, prepare the paperwork, and acquire the collateral and signatures from your home-state friends and family.

However, with that being said, it’s the responsibility of the accused person to get the ball rolling.

The first thing you should do is notify your friends or family. They will be critical to obtaining a bond on your behalf. If you already have a relationship with a reputable bail bond company, start by contacting them yourself or asking a friend or family to do it. However, if you’re not allowed to call out of state during detention, a bail bond company from the state you were arrested in is your best bet.

If you require the help of a bail bond agent in Hamilton County, you can rely on us at DeLaughter Bail Bonds. In addition to being available 24 hours a day, our experienced agents are dedicated to ensuring that you’re released as quickly as possible. Get in touch with us for more information.

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