A transfer bond usually arrives from the detainee’s home city or state and is about the same as a cash or surety bond. A transfer bond allows the defendant’s family or friends to sign legal documents on your behalf and get bail.
The bail bond agent from another state will work directly with the bail bond that the defendant chooses in their home state. The process for obtaining a transfer bond is a little more complicated and time-consuming than a standard bail bond obtained within the same state. Transfer bonds are effective for complicated situations, but they’re usually more expensive than a regular in-state bond.
Here’s a helpful insight into the process of obtaining a transfer bond:
1. State Variations
The process of getting a transfer bond varies with the state where the arrest took place and where the person wants to get the bond from.
Bond agents will do most of the work required for obtaining a transfer bond. They will communicate and coordinate with each other most of the time. They’ll prepare the necessary documentation, get it signed by your friends and family in your home state, and obtain signatures and collateral from them.
2. Begin With Communicating With Your Family And Friends
Communicate with your family members or friends about the incident. Their role will be crucial in obtaining a transfer bond. Start by calling the bail bond company yourself or requesting a family member or a friend to do it.
However, if you can’t call outside of the state while you’re in jail, a bail bond firm located in the state where the arrest took place is your best bet.
3. Understanding The Transfer Bond Bail Process
Every state has different ways to get a transfer bond, and they may also have different bail amounts. If you’re going to try to get them out on your own, you’ll need to make sure you know the rules of the state where the jailed defendant is present.
Even if you try to do this on your own, it can take a long time and be very hard. It can be hard to find the relevant information. A professional bail bonds company is the best solution to this problem.
It would be wise to call a bail bond agent in your area instead of one in the state where the arrest took place. This is because bail bonds companies are uncomfortable working with people from other states as their chances of appearing in court hearings are slim. However, there are some exceptions for people who aren’t likely to flee and haven’t had prior trouble with the law.
Are you searching for a licensed bail bonds agent to obtain a transfer bond? DeLaughter Bail Bonds provides excellent 24-hour bail bond services to its valued clients. Our experienced bail agents are well-capable of dealing with different types of bail bonds.
Contact us to get exceptional bail bonds in Huntington County, Indiana.