About laynen08

A contract signing with bail bondsman.

5 Questions to Ask Your Bail Bondsman

The US might have had a decrease of arrests over the years, but it’s higher than most countries. The arrests are sometimes made on stipulations and assumptions and other times on actual active warrants. After the arrests are made, the defendant is informed about the crimes that they are charged with. At this point they have the choice to make a call to their lawyer or have someone to bail them out.

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Cops talking to a convicted person

Silence and Other Ways To Avoid Self-Incrimination

“I plead the fifth” is a phrase often heard in courtrooms across the United States. This phrase is invoked when a person wishes to avoid self-incrimination or being held responsible for any criminal activity they may have been involved in. It is important to understand how you can protect yourself from self-incrimination and your rights when facing legal repercussions.

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Am aerial view of Miami County.

Everything You Need to Know About Bail in Miami County

You’re awakened by an irritated sound of your cell phone around midnight. It’s your distressed friend who has been arrested by the Miami police department; you rush to your car and drive to the station. The police officer throws various words and terms you are unaware of and procedures you can’t wrap your mind around. In this situation, you could get a lawyer but let’s be honest; no lawyer is going to be available at that time of night.

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Person sitting in a dark cellar.

Why Bail Bond Companies are Important

If you have ever been arrested or know someone who has been arrested, you may have heard the term “bail bond.” But what is a bail bond exactly? A bail bond is an amount of money that must be paid to secure a defendant’s release from jail while he/she awaits trial.

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a woman showing some documents to a man

Bail vs. Bond: Difference and Comparison

Bail or a bail bond is the money paid to the court so that the accused in a criminal case can be temporarily released. They ensure that the defendant will attend all their hearings and cooperate with the courts throughout their trial hearing. Besides, trial hearings in courts don’t start right away. Individuals who are a flight risk are more liable to be asked to pay hefty bail bonds.

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